Отзывы людей о IFC - Москва, улица Большая Молчановка, 36с1

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Отзывы людей о IFC - Москва, улица Большая Молчановка, 36с1
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Отзывы людей о IFC - Москва, улица Большая Молчановка, 36с1

Отзывы людей о IFC - Москва, улица Большая Молчановка, 36с1

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group, supports economic growth by promoting private sector investment in its developing member countries through long-term financing and advisory services. IFC executes a major donor-funded technical assistance program to the private sector in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The objectives of the program are to promote direct investment in the private sector, to build local businesses and financial intermediaries, and to help improve the business enabling environment.

The program:
The Russia Sustainable Enegry Finance program is a 5-year program launched in November 2005 by the International Finance Corporation to stimulate investment in energy efficiency projects by supporting financial institutions in building an energy efficiency finance business. The Program consists of three parts: advisory services, investment, and activities to improve the investment environment for energy efficiency and renewable energy.


Москва, улица Большая Молчановка, 36с1



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