Отзывы людей о Школа для иностранцев English international school Moscow - Москва, Зелёный проспект, 66А

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Отзывы людей о Школа для иностранцев English international school Moscow - Москва, Зелёный проспект, 66А
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Отзывы людей о Школа для иностранцев English international school Moscow - Москва, Зелёный проспект, 66А

Отзывы людей о Школа для иностранцев English international school Moscow - Москва, Зелёный проспект, 66А

The English International School was set up in 2006. It is a small, British style, international school, offering the British curriculum to children of primary and secondary age. It is well established and has excellent facilities. EIS is a very friendly school with excellent pupil-teacher ratios and prides itself on treating each child as an individual. There is a happy and purposeful atmosphere and children are expected to work hard and achieve excellent results. EIS also stands for ‘Everyone is Special’.

All the teaching is in English, but the Russian language is given a particular emphasis in the curriculum. Pupils take British examinations and proceed to top universities in the English speaking world. The school offers the International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) at 16 and the General Certificate of Education (A-levels) in a broad range of subjects at 18.

Most importantly, EIS offers young people the chance to grow up with friends from many different countries. They learn to communicate across cultural barriers and acquire the social skills they will need for the highly interconnected world in which we live.


Москва, Зелёный проспект, 66А


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