Отзывы людей о Montessori school of Moscow - Москва, Староволынская улица, 12с3

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Отзывы людей о Montessori school of Moscow - Москва, Староволынская улица, 12с3
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Отзывы людей о Montessori school of Moscow - Москва, Староволынская улица, 12с3

Отзывы людей о Montessori school of Moscow - Москва, Староволынская улица, 12с3

             Montessori School of Moscow was started in 2009, initially under the name of Moscow Montessori Preschool, by a group of parents and teachers. We serve families with children aged birth to 6+ years old. We aim to become the primary choice in Montessori education for international families with children aged birth to 12 years old residing in or relocating to Moscow. Montessori School of Moscow is committed to being the most comprehensive and professional source of information on the Montessori Method to local and international families of Moscow.


Москва, Староволынская улица, 12с3



Славянский бульвар, Пионерская