Отзывы людей о Action Global Communications - Москва, Нижний Кисловский переулок, 6с1

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Отзывы людей о Action Global Communications - Москва, Нижний Кисловский переулок, 6с1
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Отзывы людей о Action Global Communications - Москва, Нижний Кисловский переулок, 6с1

Отзывы людей о Action Global Communications - Москва, Нижний Кисловский переулок, 6с1

The Action group, the premier communications agency in its regions set in three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, was established some thirty years ago with a hallmark speciality of innovative reputation management solutions, and has a repertoire covering Public Relations, Event Management, Brand and Product Launches, Crisis Management, Internal Communications, Community Relationships and Sponsorships, Corporate Videos and Publishing.

The organization’s success has been built on an in depth knowledge of vital country specific factors, and this has enabled Action to successfully establish client corporate reputations, products and services in complex and culturally diverse markets.

The group’s success in constructing bridges between clients and their target audiences, and the quality of its refined communication strategies, is best evidenced by the quality of a widely varied client list .

Action Global Communications Russia, the Moscow based subsidiary of Action Global Communications was established in 2002, along with offices in St Petersburg, Kiev, Almaty, Tbilisi, and Yerevan.


Москва, Нижний Кисловский переулок, 6с1



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